H.E. Mey Vann
Designation: Delegate to the Royal Government - Department of Financial Industry

H.E. Mey Vann serves the Royal Government as Director General of the General Department of Financial Industry of Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia. He oversees the supervision and implementation of policies and financial sector development strategies. He is also responsible for the regulation and supervision of the insurance and pension sector, non-banking financial institutions, gambling management, real estate development and pawnshops.

All Sessions By H.E. Mey Vann

Road to Sustainable Gaming Growth | 博彩业可持续增长之路

10 September 2019 (09:30 - 09:50)

Casino Developments in Cambodia | 柬埔寨娱乐场发展情况

10 September 2019 (13:30 - 14:30)